The Dutch Neck Community Center is a registered not-for-profit organization, organized as a Private Foundation, and qualified by the IRS as a 501(c) (3) organization. The Community Center provides for its operations solely through donations. We do not charge a membership fee and are not engaged in any activity which could potentially generate a profit. Our stated objectives are:
“to promote the health, safety, welfare and interest of the residents of Dutch Neck, and their enjoyment of the land and waters of Dutch Neck and its environs; and to cooperate with other organizations in the area having similar objectives.” (Foundation’s By-Laws) We have further adopted the mission of scholarship support of all members of the Dutch Neck community continuing their education beyond high school.
Our Scholarship Fund balance of $2,054 is not allocated this year and will increase by virtue of interest generated by our invested Mamie E. Benner Memorial Fund and directed contributions in this annual appeal. Our Scholarship Committee is comprised of Ken and Ronnie Palmer, Louisa Winchenbach and Connie Miller.
Every gift is vital to the success of our mission and this fiscal year’s ANNUAL APPEAL will allow us to increase the Building Fund and to provide the resources to cover our annual operating costs. We are hoping to replace our 40 gallon hot water tank with a 20 gallon tank and consider the installation of a dishwasher. We thank Chris Lage, Brad Burns-Howard and their team of volunteers who repaired the retaining wall adjacent to the Dutch Neck entrance earlier this year. Next summer the landscaping at the back of the property, near the entrance to the Peter’s Pond Trail, may require some effort, as the landscape ties are deteriorating.
For these Community Center improvements and our operations, the Board is seeking a nominal tax deductible donation of $50 to $100 (or more, if desired).